Fishing For The Right Staff

Specialist arborist staff are hard to recruit read our free six step guide. 

1. Go fishing

Imagine catching applicants is like catching fish give them too much bait (information) and they might swim on past. To hook applicants give them enough information to attract their interest and start communicating with you. From there on you can negotiate an employment package. No catch = no communication = no employee.

2. Use the right bait

In the same way you sell your services to customers, applicants have no idea what a great employer you are so tell them and reel them in. We are in low unemployment period with a lot of competition for good staff so tell applicants why they should work for you and not someone else.

3. Use additional lures

If additional marketing tools (lures) are available, use them to promote your vacancy. An arbjobs featured advert allow clients to add a job specific marketing photo and a corporate video, it’s all included in the price so use them to lure in more applicants.

4. Fish in the right pond

Big ponds can make finding good fish (applicants) much harder.  Many sites quote vast visitor numbers. If these visitors are just busy trolling each other or don’t have the skills to match your needs then they are just traffic. Using an industry specific jobs sites can make recruitment as easy as shooting fish in a barrel after all there is no other reason for visitors to be there but to search for jobs in that industry.

5. Don’t over feed

Most web searches are now done on smart phones so avoid paragraph after paragraph of editorial. Keep your advert concise but alluring and make the reader want more.

6. Don’t cast a shadow

Come over too formal and you may scare applicants away, make yourself approachable. A friendly sign off on your advert can give applicants the encouragement to approach you and start communications.

Happy Fishing and as fisherman say "Tight Lines" 

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